2-section stretcher with adjustable height and Trendelenburg
The concept of specialized stretcher implies the responsability of proyecting a complete system of functions able to answer to the various critical situations that can occur in hospital environments.
Various configurations of BS1504 and BS1500 frames create a unique specialized product.
Oleodynamic central lift and Trendelenburg motion (BS1504), together with a wide range of applicable accessories, make this product complete and customizable at 360°.
2-section lying surface made of plastic, radiotransparent laminate; on 4 corners, bumpers made of soft, anti-trace, plastic material, push handles and holes for accessories positioning.
On head side, drainage bags supports and configuration for oxygen tank and paper supports. Big anti-trace castors, Ø 200 mm, to allow easy and comfortable transfers.
Backrest and pelvis section activated by bilateral levers and helped in their movements by pneumatic spring; legrest section adjustable through rack. Trendelenburg and Reverse Trendelenburg movements (1504) activated by lever on foot side, and stabilized by pneumatic spring.
Adjustable height controlled by foot pedal on head side through oleodynamic pump.
Basement cover made of plastic material easy to clean, endowed with 2 basins for objects/documents storage.
Compulsory belt for patient's restraint.